PUBLICJAZZ | events is an event agency that specializes in staging jazz concerts at special venues. In 2021, the FineArtJazz series planned and organized by PublicJazz was awarded the APPLAUS by the Minister of Culture for the outstanding and trend-setting live music program in the field of popular music and jazz. The makers of PublicJazz see themselves as space pioneers. This involves the development of special venues through a high-caliber concert program in order to make them accessible to the public. PJ is closely linked to the major national and international jazz scene.

The "Verein zur Förderung von Jazz und Kunst e.V." was founded at the end of 2016 and is now the sponsor of the FineArtJazz concert series in the northern Ruhr region. It pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.
The purpose of the association is the promotion of jazz and art and therefore all
measures that are suitable to serve this goal. This includes above all
the promotion of cultural events (jazz concerts) by financing the necessary infrastructure at the respective venues
increasing the attractiveness of jazz by providing exceptional venues for jazz concerts
linking jazz and the visual arts, and
the promotion of young musicians and artists.
Support the work of the association with a donation and contribute to the fact that jazz, extraordinary venues and visual arts in a common context enrich the cultural offer in your region and thus strengthen your residential and/or business location.
Planning & Implementation:
Head Of Production:
Head Of Festival & Artist Support:
Public Relation:
Technics (Sound):
Technics (Light):
Backline Piano
Piano Tuning:
Ticketsystem (tickazz):
Website and Merchendising:
PublicJazz events (Gelsenkirchen)
in Kooperation mit dem Verein zur Förderung von Jazz & Kunst e.V.
Bernd Zimmermann
Susanne Pohlen
SchindelPR (München)
21Hz backline (Bochum), PublicJazz events
Sven Lidicky*, PublicJazz events
Jörg Sonnenfeld*
Tim Dickesen (Cardiff)
21Hz backline (Bochum)
Piano List (Viersen)
Volker I. Lipper* (Leitung), Automobile Basdorf (Gelsenkirchen)
CitySystem (Duisburg)
jazzsolution.net (Hamburg, Amsterdam, Gelsenkirchen)
stirmore (Amsterdam)
Susanne Macheit*, Gabi Abshagen-Szamida*, Heiner Szamida*, Ute Vieweg*, Joschi Lindges*, Hermann Markus*, Beate und Max-Heinrich Kreter*
*Ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit im Verein zur Förderung von Jazz und Kunst
Wir danken allen Förderern, Sponsoren und Partnern, dass sie dieses starke Kulturangebot im nördlichen Ruhrgebiet möglich machen.
Wenn auch Du dieses Festival und die Entwicklung zu einer bedeutenden Marke, weit über das Nördliche Ruhrgebiet hinaus, unterstützen möchtest, dann melde Dich gerne bei uns.