The Scharounschule is one of the most important examples of organic architecture, the most significant school buildings of the post-war period, and still sets standards with its functional architecture and sensational acoustics in the auditorium. After all, Friedrich Gulda, Yehudi Menuhin and Joachim Kühn performed here a long time ago.
In accordance with the principles of organic architecture, the star architect Hans Scharoun developed the building from its internal requirements. The architecture avoids any austerity and monumentality and focuses on the needs of the students. Instead of classrooms, lessons take place in "school apartments", which consist of a classroom, a common room, a checkroom, private sanitary facilities and a terrace for outdoor lessons. The centerpiece is the auditorium, which is reminiscent not only architecturally of the Philharmonie in Berlin, but also because of its excellent acoustics. Thus it is, so to speak, the little sister of the great Berlin Phalharmonie.
Westfalenstraße 68A | Marl
von Essen (HBF): mit der RE2 bis Recklinghausen HBF. Von da mit der Buslinie 219 bis Haltestelle Scharoun-Schule. Von Gelsenkirchen (HBF): mit der RE2 bis Recklinghausen HBF. Von da mit der Buslinie 219 bis Haltestelle Scharoun-Schule. von Dorsten (BF): mit dem Schnellbus SB 25 bis Scharoun-Schule. von Bahnhof Marl Mitte: Buslinien 225 oder 219 Richtung Chemiepark (6 Min.) bis Haltestelle Scharoun-Schule, Von da ca. 5 Min. Fußweg